Friday, April 15, 2016

Reasoning Syllabus, Tips and Book

Reasoning: Well this section is one of the easiest and the most scoring provided you get your concepts right. Just about anyone and everyone can master it. Once you get your concepts right, all that remains to do is to practice, practice and more practice.

Basically in the exams the subject aims at testing your logic and reasoning. A skills needed for any managerial post. The examiner want to know how good you are at making decisions, managing time in a difficult situation. Off late most of the reasoning sets come with high difficulty level. SO prepare accordingly.

Syllabus Looks Something Like This

 Machine Input Output
 Direction and Distance
 Order and ranking
 Blood relations
 Seating arrangement
Statement And Assumptions
Statement and course of action
Cause And Effect
Statement And Argument

  • Reasoning is a subject in which most people have a strong hand in and consider it to be their ace or ticket to clearing the cut off as they call it. 
  • Yet we find students making errors and coming out dissatisfied and unsure about the section after the exam. This usually happens when people get attached to questions and end up wasting their time. Do not forget that the purpose of these exams is not to test your knowledge but to test your ability to manage your time and speed. So attempt as many questions you can and that too accurately. 
  • Off late the trend that the exam taking bodies have been following is to combine the first  4 topics in a single puzzle, making it not just difficult but also very confusing and lengthy. There is no best way to deal with these questions, practice is the only solution. 

Now how best to practice and appear in exam?
  • Make sure you solve at least 4-5 puzzles on a daily basis. Practising puzzles helps the mind to develop and get accustomed to confusing and complicated situations in a question.
  • But this does not mean that during the exam you make a promise to solve all the questions. Remember you are not there to prove your knowledge about the subject but to score maximum marks possible in a given time. So best to attempt the easy questions first.
  • Do not attempt puzzles or seating arrangements first, do them after you have attempted all the other questions of the section, but do keep the time frame in the mind aswell.. The reason for this is that puzzles are usually lengthy and spending 10 mins for 5 marks doesn't make sense in the exam where you have only minutes to prove your worth.
  • While solving the questions, skip all the time consuming questions and attempt only those which easily click. Time consuming and complicated questions are meant to be left, they are put in the paper to trap the student. So BEWARE
  • Use the allotted 30-35 minutes judicially such that the difference between the number of attempts and the number of questions done accurately is very low, i.e. you should try to attempt accurately in the exam. Stay away from guess work.
  • Last but not the least practice on-line mock exams daily if possible, as this will give you experience and a chance to apply all these tips enabling you with an error free experience in the real battle
  • We have also noticed majority of students struggling in verbal section of reasoning or as you call t analytical reasoning. The only way out in this topic is PRACTICE..yes practice daily without fail. initially you will find yourself getting almost all questions wrong for days together, but after each question, go through the answer, and try to make sense out of it. Slowly you will get the hand of it.This is the only way substitute of practice in this section.
Now the questions that arise are as follows:

How best to deal with a difficult paper?

Well if the level of the paper is difficult, then best to become a scavenger hunting for the easiest possible question and getting over with it first, and then peacefully working out the difficult questions. But make sure that you can differentiate between the difficult that are doable and the one which are not, so use your time judicially and do not exceed the time that you have stipulated for each section.

Is it possible to do well in a difficult paper?
Absolutely! If not do well but definitely clear the cutoff comfortable, provided you allocate your time smartly and follow the tips given above.

How does an average student appear for such a paper?
An average student should start by doing the topics that he or she is comfortable in first and aim to clear the cut off . Do only those questions in which you are 100% sure in, no guess work at all. Then move to the other types of questions.

Reasoning itself means, "How fast you can reason or think!"

Start thinking fast/quick! Do practice a lot! Learn new ways yourself! This is the only section where nobody can teach you the perfect logic! You yourself have to devise those logics that fit for you!

Remember friends,
There is a reason why the exam taking bodies stress so much on having reasoning as a subject in almost all competitive exams. That is because, they want to check how quick thinker a candidate is, is he/she logical in their decision making. Is the candidate fit for a prestigious post. So do not take this subject lightly, the more work you put in, the better you mind will develop. 

BOOKS TO REFER TO: Any best selling book related to banking that is available in the market.

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