Thursday, April 14, 2016

Geography of India

Geography of India: 

India has longitudinal extent of 300. Due to this there is a time lag of two hours between the sunrise on the easternmost and the westernmost horizons of India. due to rotation, the earth takes 4 minute to rotate through 10 of longititude. In covering 300 of longitiudinal extent, there is difference in time lag of 2 hours. When it is 6 a.m in Aruanchal Pardesh, it is still 4 a.m in Gujrat. but the watches in all parts are run according to standard time measured from 82 1/2 00 E longitude. So the watches in Arunachal Pradesh and jaisalmer show the same time despite to different sunrise.

  1. Total Geographical Area:  32,87,263km.2
  2. Latitudinal extent:  804' North to 3706' North.
  3. Longitudinal extent: 6807' East to 97025' East.
  4. North-South extent:  3214 kms.
  5. East-West extent:  2933 kms.
  6. Land Frontiers: 15,200 kms
  7. Coastline: 7,516 kms.
  8. Standard Meridian: 82 1/2 0 East longitude.
  9. Southern most point: Indira point.
  10. Southernmost tip of mainland: Kanyakumari.
  11. Number of States: 29
  12. Number of Union Territories: 7
  13. The Largest State: Rajasthan.
  14. The smallest State: Goa.

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